elishacare seeks to help restore hope, value and purpose to broken men and women in the community

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

End of financial year update

Greeting everyone! Thought id give another update about how things are going within the community.

As always there is a lot happening!
Several groups continue to meet each week for times of friendship, worship craft and reading the bible. These times are great for encouraging each other and 'doing life' together. We share our joys and struggles and are encouraged by others that have gone before us and know what we are experiencing. Thank God that we were made to do life together and not alone!

There have been some changes in the houses recently. A couple of guys have decided to leave, for different reasons. This leaves the fire station with out a permanent resident at the moment. We are hoping that soon we will have the right people to move in and share positive community together. It can be challenging to find the right mix of people. Our desire is that our houses would be a place for the broken to find a real home and live in the blessing of a healthy community, but this also requires some stability and those that can model faith and healthy life. If you pray for us please pray for the right people for our houses.

The business continues to do well even though it changes all the time. Several guys continue to be employed and grow in their faith and practical skills. We have several teams including Gardners, landscapers, builders, painters and fencers. There are some really great teams that love talking about life and faith as they work. Its such a blessing to be able to be joyful as you work and to encourage each other throughout the day. There shouldn't be a dissconnect between our work and the rest of our life. If we can grow and be encouraged and valued as we work how much richer our lives can be!

Geoff and others from our community continue to be given opportunities to share at schools, churches and business groups about what it looks like to do life with Jesus and the restoration that he brings. These have been powerful times both for our community and those hearing. We are thankful that we have a God that redeems and restores our brokenness and uses it for his glory.

As is the nature of our community there will always be those that face the battle of addiction, brokeness and death. We continue with sharing Jesus kingdom and  to do our best to love when its difficult, bring freedom to those suffering addiction and comfort those grieving. May He who is able bring restoration to those hurting as he has done for so many of us.

I hope that gives a quick snap shot of whats happening. We would love to connect with you in person if we are able. Here are a couple of pictures of the workers in action .


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