elishacare seeks to help restore hope, value and purpose to broken men and women in the community

Our 'home' page is a community blog, where we share the latest happenings of our community. Use the tabs above to find out more about us, and navigate your way through the community blog by using the 'blog archive' and the 'subject index' on the right.

Elisha Houses

elishacare provides safe housing for single guys, girls and single parents who want to grow in their relationship to Jesus in the context of community living.

Family house , Lilydale - Pray and give thanks for the blessing this family is within the elisha care community.

Guys House, Croydon - Four bedroom house.  Please pray for continued good relationships within the house. Pray that those living here would really discover what it is to support each other as brothers on a journey in restoration and faith.

If you have any prayer impressions that you wish to share with us,
please email them to contact@elishacare.org