elishacare seeks to help restore hope, value and purpose to broken men and women in the community

Our 'home' page is a community blog, where we share the latest happenings of our community. Use the tabs above to find out more about us, and navigate your way through the community blog by using the 'blog archive' and the 'subject index' on the right.

Community Activities

There are many things that we do throughout the week, some are spontaneous, others are regular gatherings.  Some of the spontaneous ones include community meals at elishahouses,  BBQs, birthday parties, and fishing trips.  Below are the regular ones... 

Friday BBQs

On Wednesday nights we gather at the guys' house to share with each other, learn more about God, and have coffee!

Working Bees

Whenever we hear of someone needing a hand in their over-run garden, or of someone's house needing a total clean-out, we're ready to help out.  Working Bees are a great way to help others practically and to be active together.

Craft Group

At various times throughout the year, the girls get together to get creative!  Sometimes they sit around the table and do hand-crafts like knitting and crochet, other times they get messy in a garage doing mosaics. No matter what the activity, they enjoy spending time together, trying new things and getting to know each other better.

Inside Story

On Friday mornings we gather share our stories from the week and encourage eachother on our journey of faith. 


About every 6 months we go away on 'camp', to get away from the usual things life throws at us, to get closer to God, and to each other. Our usual spot is a woolshed in Torquay [pictured right].

About once a year, we also have separate guys and girls camps, which are great times of growing in relationship with each other.