The main change for me has been my involvement in the elisha care gardening and property maintenance business. I resigned from job as a water pump and irrigation installer / repairer in February after feeling like my 6 years there had come to an end. A few months later and im working part time with the elisha business doing painting, fencing and gardening. I love working together with people that i can talk to about life while we work. The general feeling among the guys that are working together is that we all enjoy working! Its so good getting to the end of the day and knowing that you haven't just been working for someone else financial gain, usually to your own detriment, but that work is a blessing and mostly an enjoyable experience, especially when you see the job finished and can be satisfied with the work of your hands. I generally come home feeling like ive grown during the day. I am happy and have a smile for my my family rather than feeling frustrated that i was forced to work for money to pay the bills.
We have done many jobs but here is the one that Ryan, Paul and i finished this week.
This is a shot of the cut after we had removed the old, collapsed retaining wall.
This is after we have put in the new wall but before we put the fence back up. Well done guys!
I have continued to love being part of our inside story group on a friday morning. I love that we are not studying the bible but are sharing stories from our own lives and then sharing Jesus stories of hope as well. Information with out action is powerless, but when the words of Jesus speak into our lives and cause restoration and bring hope then that is powerful indeed.
I love how we have an opportunity to encourage and to walk beside each other, no matter where we are at in our journeys of knowing Jesus. I love the goodness and strength that walking with Him and with others brings.
Over the last few weeks four guys have been meeting on a Wednesday night and working through the 'Wild at heart' series. It has been a great time of rediscovering what it means to be a man made in the image of God. The world would have us believe that cheap substitutes are the answer, escaping or trying to be fulfilled through, money, possessions, sex or pornography, alcohol, drugs, or even just being absent or hardened towards those around us. The fathers heart for us is so much better. He has made us for a purpose in the kingdom, with a heart that reflects His own. He wants to heal our hurts so that we can fight the battle he has made us for. He made us to be adventurous, to be filled with a great love and to walk together with our brothers in Jesus. What an encouraging and empowering series this has been! Men, do yourself a favor and read the book, or ask about being part of the next dvd series that we will run in the future. Women, if you want to know why men are the way they are then read the book. It will help explain the mysteries and differences of your man.
These are just a few of the many stories and happenings of my involvement in our community over the last few weeks. I hope they are an encouragement to you in your journey of life.
May you find the same Joy that i have found, living out the purposes for which you have been made, and experiencing the rich blessing of walking with Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.