elishacare seeks to help restore hope, value and purpose to broken men and women in the community

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Our Flowerdale visit

A small group from elishacare were recently invited out to Flowerdale (an area effected by the 2009 bush fires), to share some stories of Hope. It was a very special morning starting with a big brekky and some wonderful chats around the tables, then an opportunity to share some stories with the locals of how Jesus reached deep into our lives and our darkest moments.

Pictured above from left to right is: Noel, Josh, Ulf, Jason, and Dee with me and Rod on our knees.

Rod then took us on a tour of Kinglake West, the area he was living when the fires chased them out.


Girls house working bee

Some of the elishacare gang after helping out with some gardening at the girls house.

If you are living in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne and interested in joining us as we go out and help people with needs in our community, give us an email and come and join us, we have lots of fun and would love to share this joy with you.


Camp Torquay

Our most recent camp to Torquay (March), about 15 of the guys went down to our favourite little spot for some time out. We love hanging out here, building on the friendships that have began, sharing stories and using this time to encourage one another in their journey with Jesus.

Ulf & Geoff posing for a photo

Josh, Anthony, Danny and Robby, as you can see life is pretty hard on these camps.

Pete and his family catch up for some lunch together while Jason is never to far away from the food

The boys relaxing on the foreshore of the beach

James with his sausage rolls, that he reckons are the best in the world. He made them for the boys on the first night of camp, they were pretty good (but don't tell James that or you will never hear the end of it)