elishacare seeks to help restore hope, value and purpose to broken men and women in the community

Our 'home' page is a community blog, where we share the latest happenings of our community. Use the tabs above to find out more about us, and navigate your way through the community blog by using the 'blog archive' and the 'subject index' on the right.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Blokes Camp

Yes I can hear you asking, "what has this picture got to do with a blokes camp coming up". Well, Danny (pictured), Jason and myself went for a drive to check out the site we are camping at this weekend (4th June) in the Cathedral Ranges, and on the way back from the bush had to stop in at Danny's most favorite burger spot in the world, "Buxton Burgers".

Love you to be praying for the guys that will come bush for the weekend, and for their boys that will spend the weekend with their Dad's having some father/son time.

Will have some pics for you after the weekend,


Cooking for Terry's Tucker

A group of us from elishacare had the privelage of preparing and serving the meal Terry's Tucker (the local community meal) in Lilydale.

Isn't it amazing that in the midst of serving others, we are the ones that are most touched?


Well done team for such a great arvo and night serving together, and a special thanks to Emma for guiding the team.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Elisha Houses Update

To bring your attention to what's happening in our elishahouses, here's a little update for your prayers...

Guys House - currently four guys. One guy has moved on and two new guys have moved in. Please pray for a deepening of their relationships with Father and with each other. The owners of this house have decided not to put it on the market! Praise God that we can continue to house the guys here! There's a fifth guy staying as a guest at the house at the moment. Please pray that a God would provide a good home for him, as it's not safe for him to return to his previous home.

Girls House - currently three girls, and one more moving in this weekend. One girl is looking for another place to live as she wants to live with her family. The two girls that are staying on are doing well. One of them is unsure whether she will move on soon or not. Please pray that God would make it clear to all involved as to what would be best for her in the long run. Continue to pray that the girls would learn to love and care for each other in a real and deep way.

Family/Single Parent House - currently a single Dad. He is recovering well from his accident - praise God that he has almost full movement back!  Please pray for wisdom and guidance for his future accommodation arrangements, as he desires more community life than what he experiences living alone.

Second Girls House - currently one girl and one baby! Congratulations! Mother and baby are doing well. Please continue to pray for their health and for adjusting to all the new things. The second girl has half moved out - her belongings are still occupying a room. Please pray that she can finish up well at the house, collect her belongings and move on to a safe place.

House for Betel - We were able to provide a temporary home for Betel, a Christian Drug Rehabilition group who's previous home in Marysville was burnt down in the fires. This house has been sold and settlement is in June 2010. Please pray for an adequate new home for Betel before June.

If you have any prayer impressions that you wish to share with us,
please email them to contact@elishacare.org

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


We have just been introduced to an amazing place in Abbottsford called "Fareshare". Its a not for profit organisation that rescues surplus and close to use by date foods, from going in the bin. Each day they have vans that go around Melbourne to different grocrey outlets and pick up fruit, veges, meats etc. They then support other not for profit organisation with this food.

So once a fortnight Danny and I (sometimes Leanne or Esther) head into town with the eskys in the back of the wagon to collect the food. We then get it all back to our place and Leanne and I divvy it all up into hampers and share it amongst elishacare community and anyone else in need. Fortnightly we get about 50 kg of various meats and 30 kg of fruit and veges and whatever other goodies they have around the place. The thing that amazes me is that its perfectly good food that would otherwise go in the bin. Its really exciting to be apart of giving out this food and blessing families and individuals.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Boys in the Bush

Recently a bunch of the boys went bush to cut some fire wood for the guy's house wood fire. Their heater had recently broken down so it was time to get the wood fire going and a good excuse to go bush.

A couple of really good chainsaws, a few splitters and some really good men to use them and we were into it. But as you will see in the photos, more time was spent sitting around a nice fire drinking coffee and havin a chat, it seems like we do that often........

It was another great day, thanks guy's
